Monday, April 25, 2016

How to train properly

So I came about making this blog when I was struggling to make imporvements to my own game, and wanted to help people who are going through the same issue. So chances are if you are here, you aren't the best player, and want to get better. The first thing you should do is find where you are lacking, and see what better players do that you don't. once you can locate some things that you are fundamentally lacking, go practice these things. Many of these could be the neutral game, or spacing. But some of these things include reactions, which aren't possible to train. So the first thing I recommend doing is just taking time to learn your character. Learn the moves that work well together, learn the good combos, learn the max range for each move. Learn what percents moves kill at. After you know everything about your character you need to learn major things about the other characters. These are going to be like things that Ness has a good back throw and to avoid that, or how to avoid bayonetta combos. But just learn the things you need to about the other characters. Next is to practice character specific match ups, and learn just how you are supposed to deal with a character, in a few different situations. These tips will help you. Hopefully you also are going to go to training mode and try out some new combos with characters that you haven't used before.

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