Monday, April 25, 2016

How to pick a main character in Super Smash Bros.

For those of you who are just starting to play this game, or are maybe looking to start playing it at a different level, I am going to give you a small comprehensive guide to picking a main character in super smash bros. Now, I don't think this will work for everyone but it something that has worked for myself and thought I would share. So lets get started

Start by playing every character a few times. Just play a few short games with each character and see which ones you were able to be successful with, which ones you liked playing, ones that felt like you were in control, and ones that had a combination of these. If you liked any of these qualities about some of the characters, focus on those characters.

Now that you have found some characters that feel right, start finding out some combos you can do with these characters. If you like some of the combos on a character that feels right, you're on your way to being successful with your new main. I think that you can do this against a CPU or in training / practice mode.

Now that you have some combos down, try these characters out and see which one you are successful with. You want your main to be fun and give you the best chance of winning. It is important that you enjoy playing your character for some reason, and that should help you win.

Now that you are able to win with this character and you enjoy them, start playing this character more and more. You will soon find that they feel natural to you and you like most aspects about them. If this isn't right, pick up a different character you like and learn them for a little bit.

Once you find the character that feels right, you have got yourself a main. Hopefully you are successful with your character, and you find the best one for you. I personally love Ryu, and would never change mains again since his release. He is by far my favorite character in the game, and because of that I am very successful when I play him. Thanks for the read and hopefully I was able to help at least just a few of you who needed inspiration to find some character that they wanted to play whether with a few friends or for a few tournaments.

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