Saturday, December 12, 2015

Entertainment Value of Snow

A lot of people don't even get to experience snow every year, but for those of us that do here in the midwest and out east, snow gets kind of a bad reputation. It is usually assosiated with being a hazard on the road and causing traffic delays, grounding flights, preventing you from getting to work on time. But, what about all the positives of snow? Have you ever thought to stop and appreciate it? I mean how many times have you gone outside and played in the snow over your lifetime? Hopefully a lot. And, if you have done that you would know that is super fun. You don't hate snow when you go sledding, do you? Or when you go skiing? Or make a snowman? Of course not. Because snow isn't that bad. You should stop and take some time this year to appreaciate the snow, and go out and build a fort, or snowman, or have a snowball fight! Do something fun with the snow this year instead of dredding it. I can't wait until we get snow on the ground, it is kind of sad seeing this time of year without snow. It really just doesn't feel like winter in Iowa without about a foot of snow. I am just making this post hoping we get snow soon, and if not within the next few days, at least we need it before Christmas. Christmas with out snow just doesn't seem right. Have you ever gone looking at Christmas lights without there being a fresh pile of white fluffy snow lining the rooftops and the ground? It just doesn't sound as appealing as it would if you have ever seen it with snow. Snow is really special and it somewhat magical. Ever thing about how no two snowflakes are the same? Well it is quite interesting, a single snowflake takes a path that no other snowflake before it has, and no one after it ever will. It is a trailblazer on a new adventure, making twists and turns that shape and mold it. Wind makes the decision and tells it where to go, and it creates something beautiful and unique, and then billions of these snowflakes line your driveway for you to shovel away ruthlessly.

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